Selected works from 2024.Lick (64 x 84 cm)Elisa Balsamo (44 x 64 cm)Storm (84 x 64 cm)Temptation (64 x 84 cm)Nachtsterne (144 x 104 cm)Oost (64 x 84 cm)Warm And Blue (32 x 41 cm)Three (64 x 64 cm)New Born King (84 x 104 cm)Carving Paths (64 x 84 cm)Silence (44 x 64 cmExploding Sorbet (64 x 84 cm)Kill Pill (64 x 64 cm)Roots (94 x 124 cm)Da Space (64 x 84 cm)Hard Facts Revised (124 x 94 cm)Catching Sun (64 x 84 cm)Replaceable Dream Replaceable Nightmare (32 x 41 cm)Whatever Is Left (44 x 64 cm)C (104 x 84 cm)Dark Forest (180 x 120 cm)Red Line (64 x 84 cm)Dark Forest (64 x 64 cm)Landslide (44 x 54 cm)Spring (104 x 104 cm)In My Secret Summer Garden (84 x 64 cm)It Moves (104 x 154 cm)Kijkbuiskinderen (124 x 94 cm)The Name Of The Game (42 x 62 cm)Walking Against A Storm (64 x 84 cm)F From The FU Episode (64 x 84 cm)Dark Forest (154 x 104 cm)Edge (84 x 104 cm)Our Battle (70 x 100 cm)Mamboo (64 x 84 cm)832024 (144 x 104 cm)Fall From Grace (84 x 104 cm)True Love (84 x 104 cm)Sailing Straight Through A Polar Low Towards The Age Of Hedonism (84 x 84 cm)Catastrophic Kitty (44 x 64 cm)Law Breaker (64 x 84 cm)Factory Three (42 x 62 cm)